COVID-19: Community Support and Engagement Opportunities


Dear members,

Please find information below on ways to support your local community during the COVID-19 outbreak.  These are just some ways in which you can help. If you would like to see another organization featured on future email updates, please contact us at

Canadian Red Cross: Local Emergency Field Hospital Support for COVID-19 Patients

Several weeks ago, the Canadian Red Cross Field Hospital Unit began mobilizing medical supplies and technical personnel to support a backup care facility at the Vancouver Convention Centre.  These resources provide the local health authority with additional space for essential care and free up hospital beds for COVID-19 patients. Please consider a donation to the Canadian Emergencies & COVID-19 Response Appeal (click here) and/or the Canadian Red Cross Covid-19 Global Appeal (click here), and support the delivery of critical services both internationally and in our local community. More information on the Canadian Red Cross’ domestic COVID-19 initiatives can be found here.

Union Protein Project Partnership: Supporting Local Food Banks

CUPE BC Division is a proud affiliate of the Union Protein Project (UPP)a non-profit society formed by unions and the United Way in 2006 to address protein-based food shortages at BC’s food banks. The UPP, in partnership with 50 Million Meals, is currently running a campaign to alleviate local food insecurity through the sale of Kampot Pepper, a globally renowned pepper variety produced in Cambodia. They recently announced that 50% of all proceeds will go towards subsidizing protein-based foods for Food Banks across Canada.

Another benefit of this campaign is to mobilize in solidarity with small scale, Cambodian pepper farmers devastated by the Pol Pot Regime, who now face greater precarity due to the influence of large multinational agricultural companies.

During this difficult time, local Food Banks are in desperate need of help to provide healthy food to those in need.  By purchasing Kampot Pepper, individual members can help Food Banks secure protein-based food at greatly subsidized rates and maximize their buying power.  A ten dollar purchase can yield up to $20.00 in protein for a local Food Bank and provide critical support to vulnerable populations both locally and abroad.

If you are exploring ways to give back to your community at this time, please consider purchasing Fair Trade Kampot Pepper in support of your local food bank.  Please also encourage your local and employers to become involved and purchase Kampot Pepper for corporate gifts.  More information on Kampot Pepper and how to purchase it can be found here.

Food Banks BC: Direct Donations & Virtual Food Drives

Another way to support individuals and families in need is through a direct donation to your local Food Bank (listed here).  Please consider a monetary or food donation to the food bank, and also consider organizing a Virtual Food Drive with your colleagues, friends, and family. More information on ways to give and organizing fundraising campaigns can be found here.

United Way of Canada: Direct Donations & Volunteerism

United Way Centraide Canada has launched a national fund to support on-the-ground services that communities need right now. Click here to donate to the Local Love in a Global Crisis campaign.

United Way of the Lower Mainland is also seeking 20 volunteers to assist with distributing meals to those in need through their neighborhood houses.  Specifically, volunteers are needed to serve as greeters and assist with line management while observing physical distancing guidelines. If you are healthy and interested in helping, please contact Gabriel Avelar by email ( or by phone at (778)-838-7478).  Alternatively, please sign up for a specific neighborhood house online by clicking one of the following areas:  North Vancouver, South Vancouver, and Downtown.

Migrant Rights Network: COVID-19 Petition for Worker and Migrant Justice

The rise of COVID-19 cases across Canada has been concurrent with growing levels of xenophobia and racism.  This disproportionately affects migrant, poor, and racialized communities, who have been the most significantly impacted by the economic downturn. At this time, the Migrant Rights Network is calling on federal, provincial, and municipal leaders via petition to ensure worker and migrant justice informs the COVID-19 response at all levels.  Please visit the Migrant Rights Network petition here, and/or support the Migrant Rights Network’s efforts in uniting against racism through a monetary contribution (click here).

Should you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please address them to our office by email at

In solidarity,

CUPE BC Division
#410-6222 Willingdon Avenue
Burnaby, British Columbia
V5H 0G3
P: 604.291.9119 F: 604.291.9043