Upcoming Local Elections

Hello members,

It’s almost Election time!
Local 1908 elections for all Executive positions will take place in November.
Nominations MUST be received during our meeting on October 17, 2019.
Nominations will be accepted in accordance with our Bylaws:

(a)  Nomination
Nominations for Officers shall be received at the regular membership meeting held in the month of October, in the election year for Local 1908.
All members eligible for nomination shall be members in good standing.
To be eligible for a Union Executive position, a member shall have attended at least one of the previous membership meetings held in the previous twelve (12) months.
No nominations shall be accepted unless the member is in attendance at the meeting or acceptance of the nomination is in writing duly witnessed by another member present at the meeting.
No member shall be eligible for nomination if he is in arrears of dues and/or assessments.

To be clear on what this means, in order to be eligible for election, you must:

  1. Let your name stand at the October meeting
  2. Have attended at least one meeting within the past 12 months

Those who let their names stand at the October meeting will be up for election in November. Nominations will NOT be accepted during the November meeting.

If you would like to nominate somebody, or would like to be nominated yourself,
PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND both the October and November meetings.

Hope to see you there! Your participation is greatly appreciated!!

If you have any questions please contact:
President Kevin Hansen: cupe1908@gmail.com or
Vice President Loreen Matousek: cupe1908vicepresident@gmail.com